A Timeless Bond: Psychotherapy and Meditation (en)

A Timeless Bond: Psychotherapy and Meditation (en)

Have you ever noticed how we tend to seek distractions when faced with pain and disappointment? Avoidance, though, is a form of suffering in itself. It's time to recognize the power in confronting your emotions directly.

Taking that first step towards psychotherapy can be scary. Societal stigmas, fear of judgment, and the vulnerability it entails hold us back. We're not alone in this; it's a common human response. We make excuses, doubting if a therapist could truly understand our unique experiences.

But here's the secret: Therapy isn't about erasing pain, it's about embracing it, much like meditation does.

In meditation, I find myself sitting across from a therapist - a mirror reflection. I actively listen to my thoughts and feelings, letting them flow without judgment. This heightened awareness briefly pauses the constant stream of thoughts, allowing for observation and reflection without self-critique. It's akin to the compassionate presence of a therapist, a pivotal moment where self-compassion blooms and vulnerability becomes a source of power.

To me, psychotherapy and meditation, like old friends, complement one another. While they can stand alone, their union propels you swiftly towards self-discovery. 

Alina Daliani
Alina Daliani

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